Keaton Chamorro

Client Care Coordinator
join via telehealth

In a world where silence once shrouded our struggles, a powerful transformation is happening – the walls of stigma around mental health are crumbling, one story at a time. As we share our experiences, fears, and triumphs, we illuminate the path toward understanding and compassion. Having grown up in a family with mentally ill members, I have fostered a deep understanding and empathy for the challenges faced by those who are struggling with their mental health. I have a great appreciation for being a part of our client's journey forward and celebrating their achievements one milestone at a time.

My training consists of Motivation Interviewing with a holistic asset-based approach as well as suicide prevention. I have worked in the medical field for 2 years and have utilized many anxiety-reduction techniques while working with patients.

My educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in American Sign Language from Western Oregon University. I am also certified as a Community Health Worker (CHW) and certified in suicide prevention.